ComponentOne Bitmap for UWP
SetUnorderedAccessViews(Int32,UnorderedAccessView[]) Method

C1.UWP.DX Assembly > C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11 Namespace > ComputeShaderStage Class > SetUnorderedAccessViews Method : SetUnorderedAccessViews(Int32,UnorderedAccessView[]) Method
Index of the first element in the zero-based array to begin setting.
A reference to an array of UnorderedAccessView references to be set by the method.
Sets an array of views for an unordered resource.
Public Overloads Sub SetUnorderedAccessViews( _
   ByVal startSlot As System.Integer, _
   ByVal ParamArray unorderedAccessViews() As UnorderedAccessView _
public void SetUnorderedAccessViews( startSlot,
   params UnorderedAccessView[] unorderedAccessViews


Index of the first element in the zero-based array to begin setting.
A reference to an array of UnorderedAccessView references to be set by the method.
See Also


ComputeShaderStage Class
ComputeShaderStage Members
Overload List